(For german version click here)
The “Apostelamt Jesu Christi“ is a church as a statutory body.
The doctrine of our church is based on the Holy Scripture, the Old Testament and the New Testament.
The Apostles’ Creed (Apostolicum) is the confession of faith of the “Apostelamt Jesu Christi”.
Preaching the gospel as well as pastoral care for the members is prime concern of the congregations.
This community in Jesus Christ is offered to people who lost or have not found yet their home of faith.
The “Apostelamt Jesu Christi” contributes to “Arbeitskreise Christlicher Kirchen – ACK” (Council of Christian Churches in Germany) and to “Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kirchen und Religionsgesellschaften – AKR” (Council of Churches and Religious Societies).
Any individual person who has completed 12 years of age, and has been baptized in a Christian church, may become a church member when he/she acknowledges the creed of the “Apostelamt Jesu Christi” of his/her own free will and when he/she doesn’t belong to any other church or religious community. The taking-up into the “Apostelamt Jesu Christi” is fulfilled by ministering the Sacrament of the Holy Sealing.
The most essential statements of faith
Faith in the Holy Trinity of God:
– the Father as the almighty Creator and Sender
– the Son as the Servant and Ambassador
– the Holy Spirit as the working power
The presence of Christ is reflected by the community of the believers.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12) appear in the present as well.
Insight into our church ceremonial
The order of ecclesiastical offices in the “Apostelamt Jesu Christi” is as follows: apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd, bishop, elder, priest and the deaconal office.
The ordination or clerical appointment as a male/female officeholder requires among other things a Christian way of life and an active participation in the congregation’s activities.
In general, the management of a congregation is priest’s assignment. In order to ensure an enduring pastoral care for each single member, deaconal officeholders assist the priest.
Divine Service being held on Sundays and religious holidays is the heart of the community’s life.
There are further types of ecclesiastical life such as officers’ meetings, choir practices, congregational gatherings, doctrine teaching for children, gatherings of the seniors and the youth as well as pastoral, social and charitable services.
The believers experience special grace and nearness to God when Sacraments (the Holy Baptism, the Holy Sealing, the Holy Communion) and Sacramentals (confirmation, wedding, burial, ordination/clerical appointment as well as benedictions for special occasions) are being administered.
The church maintains itself by donations.
Basically, all officeholders serve in an honorary capacity.
Church members call each other brothers and sisters as a familiar way of addressing.
For more detailed information please contact:
Apostelamt Jesu Christi
Madlower Hauptstraße 39
03050 Cottbus
Phone: +49 3 35 – 4 00 72 61
E-Mail: kha@kirche-ajc.de